Thursday 25 October 2012

My love!❤

Here's the guy whom I love and care about. Something amazing that has ever happened to me which was the day we officially together. He was there for me when there're ups and downs and even for all the obstacle we'd met. Sometimes we were just both stubborn, didn't wanna give in to each other, ending up quarreled occur. I guess that's how we maintain & stay together. Saying that love is always sweet, it's not true. It all depends how both of us actually manage the relationship we're in & that's how we accept each other. I once thought and being such a naive that love was everything that matter & it would be sweet and pretty nice feeling all times but it was on depends on how we look things like.
Good things don't last forever, it's the matter of love that grow!

Everyday that goes by it seems like I discover something new about him to love it's incredible to me how one person can make such a big difference in my life, he touch me in a way no one else ever has and gave me so many reasons to love him. I love you, my dear.👫


Go with the flow.

Never ignore what you truly feel - go with the flow. Go with what you truly feel however ridiculous or difficult it may seem.